Smart Contracts Call for Smarter Security

Cybersecurity is an infinite game. As new threats constantly emerge, there is no finish line. With Hypernative on your team, you can stay one step ahead and stay in the game.

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Our story

Gal Sagie and Dan Caspi co-founded Hypernative in early 2022, the year when a record $39.6 billion of cryptocurrency was stolen in hacks or sent to illicit addresses.

The gap between existing security tools and the amounts of money entering the space created an opening for bad actors ranging from lone hackers to state actors.

With their combined three decades of experience in cloud infrastructure, machine learning, security, and building scalable distributed systems at blue chip companies like IBM, Google and Microsoft, the co-founders set out to address the problem.

Hypernative Platform went live in September 2022, offering an active security layer to Web3 participants.

Our team

Hypernative is a group of Web3 and cybersecurity professionals that is as global as the Internet itself, hailing from Denver, Lisbon, London, Tel Aviv, Singapore, and Tokyo.

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Hypernative can protect you from zero-day vulnerabilities, frontend hacks, state actor threats and much more.

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